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Английский словарь американских идиом - position


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  ~1 n 1 »STANDING/SITTING/POINTING ETC« the way someone stands or sits, or the direction in which an object, switch etc is pointing  (I had to work in an uncomfortable position, lying under the car. | a sitting/kneeling/standing position)  (The prisoners were kept in a kneeling position. | a vertical/upright/horizontal position)  (Make sure the container remains in an upright position. | She turned the switch to the `on' position.) 2 »SITUATION« C usually singular the situation that someone is in, or the situation concerning a particular subject  (What's the present position with regard to import restrictions? | in a good/strong/enviable etc position)  (Reuters are now in an enviable position in the news and current affairs industry. | in your/her etc position)  (I'm not sure what I'd do if I were in your position. | put sb in a difficult/awkward position)  (You're putting me in rather a difficult position.) 3 »LEVEL/RANK« someone's or something's level or rank in a society or organization + in  (the position of women in society) position of authority/influence  (You need to ask someone in a position of authority. | position of trust/responsibility (=a position in which people depend on you to be honest or careful) | abuse your position (=use your authority wrongly)) 4 »OPINION« an opinion or judgment on a particular subject, especially the official opinion of a government, party, or someone in authority; attitude + on  (What's the party's position on tax reform?) take the position that  (The principal took the position that the students didn't need music classes. | reconsider your position)  (The administration should reconsider its position.) 5 »PLACE WHERE SB/STH IS« the place where someone or something is, especially in relation to other objects and places  (I checked our position by the compass. | the position of the sun in the sky | a strategic position (=one that is suitable for a particular purpose))  (He placed himself in a strategic position next to the doorway.) 6 »CORRECT PLACE« the place where...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (positions, positioning, positioned) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. The position of someone or something is the place where they are in relation to other things. The ship was identified, and its name and position were reported to the coastguard... This conservatory enjoys an enviable position overlooking a leafy expanse. N-COUNT 2. When someone or something is in a particular position, they are sitting, lying, or arranged in that way. Hold the upper back and neck in an erect position to give support for the head... Ensure the patient is turned into the recovery position... Mr. Dambar had raised himself to a sitting position. N-COUNT: usu with supp 3. If you position something somewhere, you put it there carefully, so that it is in the right place or position. Place the pastry circles on to a baking sheet and position one apple on each circle. = place VERB: V n prep 4. Your position in society is the role and the importance that you have in it. ...the position of older people in society. N-COUNT: usu with supp 5. A position in a company or organization is a job. (FORMAL) He left a career in teaching to take up a position with the Arts Council... = post N-COUNT 6. Your position in a race or competition is how well you did in relation to the other competitors or how well you are doing. By the ninth hour the car was running in eighth position. N-COUNT: usu supp N 7. You can describe your situation at a particular time by saying that you are in a particular position. He’s going to be in a very difficult position indeed if things go badly for him... Companies should be made to reveal more about their financial position... It was not the only time he found himself in this position. = situation N-COUNT: usu sing, usu with supp 8. Your position on a particular matter is your attitude towards it or your opinion of it. (FORMAL) He could be depended on to take a moderate position on most of the key issues... = stance N-COUNT: usu...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English posycion, from Anglo-French posicioun, from Latin ~-, positio, from ponere to lay down, put, place, from Old Latin *posinere, from po- away (akin to Old Church Slavic po-, perfective prefix, Greek apo away) + Latin sinere to leave — more at of  Date: 14th century  1. an act of placing or arranging: as  a. the laying down of a pro~ or thesis  b. an arranging in order  2. a point of view adopted and held to made my ~ on the issue clear  3.  a. the point or area occupied by a physical object ; location took her ~ at the head of the line  b. a certain arrangement of bodily parts rose to a standing ~  4. a market commitment in securities or commodities; also the inventory of a market trader  5.  a. relative place, situation, or standing is now in a ~ to make decisions on his own  b. social or official rank or status  c. an employment for which one has been hired ; job a ~ with a brokerage firm  d. a situation that confers advantage or preference  II. transitive verb  (~ed; ~ing)  Date: 1817 to put in a certain ~ ~ed the chairs around the room ~ed the company in the global market ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 a place occupied by a person or thing. 2 the way in which a thing or its parts are placed or arranged (sitting in an uncomfortable position). 3 the proper place (in position). 4 the state of being advantageously placed (jockeying for position). 5 a person's mental attitude; a way of looking at a question (changed their position on nuclear disarmament). 6 a person's situation in relation to others (puts one in an awkward position). 7 rank or status; high social standing. 8 paid employment. 9 a place where troops etc. are posted for strategical purposes (the position was stormed). 10 the configuration of chessmen etc. during a game. 11 a specific pose in ballet etc. (hold first position). 12 Logic a a proposition. b a statement of proposition. --v.tr. place in position. Phrases and idioms in a position to enabled by circumstances, resources, information, etc. to (do, state, etc.). position paper orig. US (in business etc.) a written report of attitude or intentions. position vector Math. a vector which determines the position of a point. Derivatives positional adj. positionally adv. positioner n. Etymology: ME f. OF position or L positio -onis (as POSIT) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) позиция; место; положение; местоположение; расположение располагать; размещать; устанавливать в заданное положение; позиционировать; определять [фиксировать] местоположение 2) координата устанавливать на заданную координату 3) разряд (числа); место цифры to anchor in position — зафиксировать в позиции (напр. деталь на столе) position up — рабочее состояние позиции - position of game - position of extremum - active position - actual position - actuating position - aircraft alert position - at-rest position - attitude position - beacon position - beginning position - bit position - blade float position - blade lower position - blade raise position - blade tilt position - blowing position - bottle-up position - braking position - carousel positions - center valve position - character position - charging position - code position - collapsed position - commanded drive position - commentator's position - computed grasp position - contact alignment position - continuous-path position - coordinate position - cursor home position - danger position - datum position - dead-center position - decimal position - design position - die position - digging position - digit position - docked position - drilling position - end position - extreme position - eye position - feed position - field transit position - final position - first position - flap approach position - flap en-route position - flap landing position - fouling position - fuel-on position - full-on position - grasping position - grinding position - grind position - half engine speed position - hign-order position - hold-in position - home position - horizontal position - in-between position - initial position - initial setup position - inoperative position - instantaneous position - intermediate position - isolated...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  положение; местонахождение; форма; позиция; место располагать, размещать; устанавливать position of rest position of the reinforcement angled-nose in parking position angled-nose out parking position deflected position discharge position equilibrium position extended position of outrigger beams final position final position in the structure horizontal position load position nose in parking position nose out parking position operational position parallel parking position permanent position racking position safety position specified position straight position temporary storing position vertical position working position worst possible position of loads ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  местоположение; позиция – attendant position – carrier position – inoperative position – inverted position – isolated position – manual-off position – manual-on position – off position – on position – operation position – reference position – storage position – switched-off position – switched-on position – zero position ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) залегание 2) координата места 3) место 4) местонахождение 5) местоположение 6) определять 7) позиционный 8) позиция 9) положение 10) помещать 11) располагать 12) ставить advance position of an airplane — предвычислять место самолета advance ship's position — предвычислять место automatic position plotter — мор. автопрокладчик dead center position — положение в мертвой точке dead recdoned position — счислимое место essentially general position — существенно общее положение false position method — матем. метод пристрелки fix point in position — зафиксировать запятую gravity position welding — сварка в лодочку ground position indicator — аэро индикатор положения относительно земли hold in position by studs — крепить шпильками holding take-off position — предварительный старт line-up take-off position — исполнительный старт method of false position — матем. метод ложного положения move switch to OFF position — ставить выключатель в положение ВЫКЛ move switch to ON position — ставить выключатель в положение ВКЛ multiple position switch — многопозиционный выключатель plane of general position — плоскость общего положения point of general position — точка общего положения port position light — левый бортовой огонь, мор. огонь бакбортный position error coefficient — компьют. коэффициент статической ошибки position light signal — светофор позиционный position of a point —...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  положение; место; позиция – competitive position – dominant market position – financial position – legal position – monopolistic market position – patent position – social position – untenable position POSITION 1. сущ. 1) общ. позиция, место, положение 2) общ. состояние, ситуация 3) общ. позиция, точка зрения 4) пол. должность, место; положение в обществе 5) фин. финансовое положение (компании, банка) 6) банк. нетто-остаток (нетто-остаток средств банка в определенной иностранной валюте) 7) бирж. торговая позиция (рыночное обязательство, количество купленных или проданных контрактов, по которым не было произведено зачетных сделок; покупатель имеет длинную позицию, а продавец — короткую) See: long position, short position, option position, option position 8) фин. позиция (статус кредитора по отношению к другим кредиторам данного заемщика, приоритетность требований) See: cash position 9) эк. позиция, статья (в таможенном тарифе) 10) трансп. позиция (время, в течение которого судно может прибыть под погрузку) 2. гл. 1) общ. ставить, помещать, размещать (что-л. или кого-л. в определенное место) 2) общ. определять местонахождение, локализовать Air traffic controllers have positioned the unknown aircraft at 50 miles north of the airport. — Авиадиспетчеры определили, что неизвестный самолет находится в 50...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  положение – alternating leaf position – leaf position – nursing position ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. положение, местонахождение, расположение; место position data —- координаты position buoy —- указательный буй charted position —- мор. место, нанесенное на карту estimated position —- мор. счислимое место (судна в море) the house has a very good position —- дом очень удобно (хорошо) расположен 2. обычное, правильное место, положение in position —- на своем месте; в правильном месте (положении) the players were in position —- игроки были на своих местах 3. воен. позиция, расположение; рубеж position of assembly —- место сбора; район сосредоточения position warfare —- позиционная война position area —- воен. район обороны position defense —- воен. оборона на заранее подготовленной позиции, позиционная оборона 4. положение, поза horizontal position —- горизонтальное положение to lie in an uncomfortable position —- лежать в неудобной позе 5. тех. положение open position —- открытое положение (клапана); разомкнутое положение (контактов) initial position —- начальное (исходное, нулевое) положение "off" position —- "выключено" "on" position —- "включено" working (operating) position —- рабочее положение idle position —- нейтральное положение, положение холостого хода 6. должность, место to get a good position —- получить хорошее место to occupy (to hold) leading positions —- занимать руководящие посты he has a position as cashier —- он...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) положение, местоположение; место; расположение, позиция; in (out of) position - в правильном (неправильном) месте  2) fig. положение, позиция; to put in a false position - поставить в ложное положение  3) обычное, правильное место; the players were in position - игроки были на своих местах  4) возможность; to be in a position to do smth. - быть в состоянии, иметь возможность сделать что-л.  5) положение; должность  6) отношение, точка зрения; to define ones position on smth. - определить свое отношение к чему-л.; to take up the position (that) - стать на точку зрения (что), утверждать (что) Syn: rank, standing, status see stand  2. v.  1) ставить, помещать  2) определять местоположение POSITION of importance ответственный пост ...
Англо-русский словарь
  - c.1380, from O.Fr. posicion, from L. positionem (nom. positio) "act or fact of placing, position, affirmation," from posit-, pp. stem of ponere "put, place." Meaning "official station, employment" is from 1890. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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